Little things that make you super happy

>When the entire party get into character and get on a roll
>They proceed to steamroll through a dungeon four levels higher than them
>They praise the dungeon as being the best yet and talk about that one session for months

Sometimes the little things, like hearing stories about how exciting something was much later on, just are the gift that keep on giving.

It makes me happy when adventurers take good care of their henchmen.

I'm talking about the little things user, like trying to do research during downtime or buy an item in the market or give a weak NPC training, not character motivations. I write those expecting them to never be completed.

>The treasure at the end of the dungeon is a small valuable currency that's easily sold
>The thing you want to buy with the money is available in that same city
>What you can do with said thing is useful every day everytime, starting from the minute 0 of having it in your possession
>You lost it/it gets stolen
>The GM quickly say it has insurance

Just once though, just once, I want to get that thing.

Why is ribbon making a comeback?

Did she ever leave?

>character does something understandably stupid given circumstances
>everything works out in the end and no one gets mad
Wait, that hasn't happened yet. Lemme try again.
>The initially hostile NPC warms up to you enough that they become a begrudging contact
>tfw nat 20 on a stealth roll and find out that there are no more enemies in the building
>tfw nat 1 into crit fail at the start of an encounter and literally fall on your face
I am waiting intently for this day.

All the waifus.

>PC suffers regret and gives up their villainy and starts a family