Because the setting is neolithic europe, you fuckwits.
ITT we brainstorm reasons why, in a given fantasy setting...
Search your heart, you know its true.
Disgusting lolicon. It looks better on small chests, yes, but you can't deny that curves are delicious.
>you will never have an amputee barbarian qt waifu
Curves are best found on the slutty older woman that teaches the MC how to please a woman before he uses those skills on the childhood friend, who is reasonably curvy but otherwise pretty in a plain sort of way.
>This is the only acceptable answer. Don't try to justify it.
I disagree.
It's always interesting to find a in universe rationale. Even if it is clearly a nonsensical contrivance. It's part of wilful suspension of disbelief.
Take Metal gear itself for example, pretty clear they just wanted a mech for the final boss. But the game really tries to sell you onto the concept of a walking nuclear weapons platform and it's more memorable because of it.
Insistent that the authors should 'own it', is like shouting at WWF pretending it's a real spot or a stage magician for claiming he can do magic.
Women are whores and want to dress like sluts
>there is a religious or cultural prohibition against armor that covers the body - perhaps a taboo against covering too much
I guess that's a reason. Not a good one, but it works.
>resources are scarce, and crafted metal is so rare that full suits of armor are practically unheard of
People would use other materials. Having thick leather everywhere is better than just having metal on your upper torso.
>weapon technology has progressed in such a fashion that armor is less useful (advanced missile weapons, magic, or some such)
Why where any armour than?
>magical tattoos offer better protection, but must be visible to work
See first response
>the human figure is a symbol of dominance and pride, and is heralded instead of protected in battle
So why wear any armour at all?
>the gods favor those who shield themselves with faith instead of metal - martial types prove their religiosity by entering battle with less armor
So why wear any armour at all?
>complex treaties have forbidden armor in battle
So why wear any armour at all?
Either use or just say "Its ceremonial. You dare insult the daughter of a knight?"
>men are all perverts and proud of it