Warhammer 40000 General /40kg/

What will you work on this Christmas Break? You know, as opposed to spending the day with family, you lonely nerds!

I got me some troops to paint!



wait they're making a new one?!

there is no guo, just nurgling memes.

>doesn't make it about their personal life
>just posts painting tutorials
>works for GW
suck a plaguebearer cock and go back to whatever contrarian hole you came from

I'm putting together a Black Templars list, trying to brainstorm something for 2000 points.

First, I want at least one full 20-man Crusader blob, supported by a Company Ancient and an Apothecary, and probably a Chaplain, to maximise all those shots. There's also going to be two small 5-man Crusader units, with the Emperor's Champion hanging around there somewhere.

Also thinking about packing Helbrecht into a Rhino with 5 Company Veterans with hammers and shields, accompanied by another Apothecary for a really fucking annoying time. Possibly, I could also put the Emperor's Champion in here to make it a really bad time.

Then, an unit of 5 Hammernators deep-striking in, plus a Deadnought and a Predator to give it this army more punch.

Does this seem ok to you?

Where is the sly marbo rules
Will he be fun enough to waste my boxing day on going to gw

>Not making your GUO from individual nurglings

last I checked he was getting sucked off in mwg meme videos like an e-celeb sweetie.