How to live as long as possible

I want to gather all the scientifically backed information about prolonging your lifespan for as much as possible. I mean, if we live long enough, we might be alive (and hopefully have enough money to afford) during breakthroughs in medicine that will allow to reverse aging. Or inject us with nanobots so we become immortal cyborgs or something.

Anyway, basics are:
- no smoking, drinking or drugs (duh)
- moderate exercise to stay fit. Professional athletes are not that healthy at all, so it's not good if you underdo or overdo it
- try not to live in industrial area with shit environment and smog in the air
- take reasonable safety precautions, like using seat belt in a car and not doing anything dangerous just to show off
- get enough proper sleep
- don't stress, if your job or life situation doesn't allow you not to stress, get another job and fix your life
- don't overeat. If you are body positive and consider yourself curvy and not overweight, reconsider

Other urls found in this thread:

Just rent an isolation room at the hospital

>don't overeat. If you are body positive and consider yourself curvy and not overweight, reconsider
My only complaint is that this leaves a loophole for anorexics which are unhealthy. Should probably change this line to don't over-eat or under-eat similar to the moderate exercise line.

>moderate exercise
since you gave the context of pros and to assume we are all on the same page on what moderate means: moderate is not what you think it is user.
Moderate is not walking. Hell it's not even jogging. Moderate is trying to compete at amateur level, basically. Go for triathlon competitions or do some powerlifting with aspirations to win some prize in a shitty minor circuit, that's what will get you healthy.
What you are after is increased bone density and good muscle transversal section so you have the functionality of a 35 year old man when you are 70.
Exercise can also help to prevent most common injuries and diseases associated with aging.

TLDR aim to deadlift 3 plate by your 70s and you will live a good senescence.

Don’t drink hot drinks[1]. Don’t eat in the hours before going to bed[2]. Both cause esophageal cancer.


>gf loves ultra-hot drinks to the point of almost boiling

look up swimmer's asthma
look up leading causes of death

I generally agree. I think being able to run (and doing it regularly) at least 5 kilometers is the basis of what we should aim for. Add some weight lifting (or body weight exercises) to that and you are good. I think. Cardio, endurance a muscle mass pretty much covered.

5 grams of salt a day. Any less and it's bad for you, and more also starting to be bad for you. Just make sure you salt your food with a teaspoon or two per day.

I’ve noticed that whenever I eat late, my throat feels sore in the morning, as if it’s been bathing in acid.

I don't think that there's any correlation between this side effect you experience and cancer probability.

It is interesting that you have that, but why do you bring it up? It's pure empiric evidence.

By the way, any reliable evidence for low-carb diet?

>as if it’s been bathing in acid
It probably has been bathing in acid.

The sheeple still think all carbs are equal, so yeah of course if you reduce sugars and stop eating them alone (instead of alongside something else, for example rice + fish) you will reduce glycemic load and in turn your insulin response down, which will result in improved health.
If you just want a rule of thumb try to eat more vegetables and legumes than pasta / rice / potatoes and when you do those eat them alongside fat and protein sources. Cut processed bakery and sugary drinks.

I've cut sugar, grains, bakery and obviously starchy vegetables like potatoes. Eat lots of greens and stuff like eggplants and peppers.

I hope I'm not doing something terribly wrong.

Wear hats. Use sunscreen.

Constantly learn new shit. Math, languages, programming, skills, anything that makes your brain work. That way you will avoid being senile old fuck when you are old, so it will make sense to even get any older.

>brain training prevents shit
nice meme brainlet

No one escapes death. It's a battle you can't win.

i guess you are alright, provided your "lots" actually means lots and not just eating those 1 time a day.
Still starchy vegetables are not dangerous per se (for example I eat potatoes after workout to get insulin for muscle building).
Only normies talk in absolutes.

Everything causes cancer

>dying at 85 after 20 years of insufferable, constantly increasing pain
>dying at 85 after 1 year of deteriorating but having lived with good functionality and very minor aches during your last 20 years

Watch me!

>eat healthy
>don't drink, smoke or do drugs
>turn 20
>hair loss
>left leg hurts so much I want to kill myself
>diagnosis: left hip osteoarthritis
>sitting hurts, standing hurts
>taking tapentadol everyday

nice meme
just do whatever you want and try to have fun
I'm drinking and smoking every day
and I'm fucking traps bareback

You wouldn't tell the difference as soon as it's over regardless

OP has officially won the price of "Biggest Faggot In Catalog" of the day.

>so much autism in this thread it could be a safespace

I'm wondering why are you taking precious time to type this when you could have utilized any number of methods to achieve the end result instantly without having to wait.

that's flawed logic, basically schoolyard tier pessimism.
The point is that while you can't evade death, since you are already living it's better to at least try to live well, from an individualistic point of view it's the smartest thing to do. The "once you are dead it doesn't matter" thing it's flawed because assumes you can perceive anything after death, like futility of living a good life. You are constrained to the frame reference of your own life, and arguments in the line of "but after death, X" are inconsequential.

I may be a faggot, but in 200 years I will write an autobiography titled "The Little Faggot That Lived"

If you can't figure it out yourself you're a brainlet and don't belong
that's flawed logic because in your retarded example you purposely ignored the 84 years prior

>my very particular situation makes the whole thread useless for everyone! xD
the advice in this thread applies to the general population, not to genetic trash


kek, almost forgot its christmas holydays for all the hs edgelords to be shitposting in 4chains

meditation desu desu

>high carb diet
>no processed fat
>no meat
>no exercise
>lots of soy
>lots of sugar
>no sunlight

What's edgy about it? are you dense?
why should i be triggered? by what? it seems you're annoyed by the reality that you're gonna die and have no control over how and when

Well, actually a good practice if you don't get involved in religious and spiritual nonsense. I've read some publications about various research on this subject, generally the effects seems to be quite positive.


Not really.

Exercise is the best, if you don't exercise it's not worth it.

i.e chess champions who get alzheimers


I didn't say "study and don't do physical exercise". Both is important if you want to keep your marbles.

That doesn't mean anything.

best stress reduction tool you have, no wonder people who meditate looks 20 years younger.


intermittent fasting, meditation, yoga and the most important of all; exercise your mind.
Ponder your brain on philosophy, mathematics or physics. Find a hobby that stimulates and challenges you.
Something that is both frustrating and rewarding to learn.

How so?

The soyboy ultimate

Don't masturbate every day

At some point you won't be able to keep all this shit up user, it's a ridiculous list and unless you're dedicated there's no way you'd be able to do all that have a family and have free time for other shit and work
Just chill out a bit
Btw you could do all this and still get run over or what not lmao

In 200 years I can be a freaking cyborg and eventually modify my body enough that it would take a nuclear strike to destroy it.

Or something.

Possibilities are there.

On the subject of sleep. Biphasic seems to be the standard. That means naps.

The possibilities are always there, I find it funny how you are trying to escape the inevitable coin flip of death by instead placing a different bet on the hope that something will magically come and let you live longer (like that wouldn't come with a massive catch anyways)
If you're not going to deal in absolutes user you most as well chill out because you can never be certain that these things will come to fruition (or ruin, on the other hand)

Moderate (1 drink a day and no more) drinking is actually linked with longer life. Also, while you get diminishing returns from more and more exercise, it doesn't plateau until around 3 hours of aerobic exercise a day, which is probably more than what most would consider "moderate".

lmao the absolute state of the modern man

What he wrote is shit everyone should be doing NATURALLY were it not for modern society addictions.

Diogenes was fucking 60 years old when he went to war to defend sparta.


What do you guys think of radiation hormesis?

Anyway, how should we go about sex life?

Celibacy has been linked to longer live, though I'm not sure if masturbation counts.

Donald Trump sleeps 4 hours and eats piles of trash and he's still going fine.

He hasn't outlived the mean lifespan for American males (yet), so I'm not sure what this is supposed to prove.

Doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, mentally and physically active, has access to best medical care money can buy.
No shit he's doing fine.

If you want to live, you will live.

George, it doesn't work like that.

>inherit a lot of money to live longer

Getting blood from younger people seems to be also a way to prolong lifespan.

He has already been conscious much more time than the average American male would be during his lifespan because he sleeps 4 hours. Not sure what OP mentioning proper sleep has to do with anything. Yes studies show improper sleep slightly shortens telomeres but at such a marginal rate that you will still be conscious for more time than proper sleepers.
>Doesn't smoke, doesn't drink
I read his cousin or something was a raging alcoholic and died from that so that's why he doesn't drink but he obviously does copious amounts cocaine and amphetamines.
>mentally active
He can barely read.
>physically active
Literally doesn't exercise at all because he thinks humans have some finite form of life energy that gets used up by exercise.
So OP should have just mentioned that instead of all the bullshit.

He will die before finishing his term if he gets re-elected

>Literally doesn't exercise at all because he thinks humans have some finite form of life energy that gets used up by exercise.
Wait, when did he said that? Any proof? And by "physical activity" I didn't mean exercising on purpose, but he does move a lot. Then again, he loves golf.


the United State will die before him thanks to him

Even so, you will still die one day

He still died

I want to decide when I want to die, not just accept death as an unavoidable inconvenience.

>reminder ron paul would still be president

Golfing is a good activity. You walk, he some sunlight and fresh air. Having said that, taking into account how little he sleeps and the trash he seemsto eat, he might be clinging on the best modern medicine has to offer in terms of prevention.

You have no saying in the matter unless you commit suicide.

>He has already been conscious much more time than the average American male would be during his lifespan because he sleeps 4 hours. Not sure what OP mentioning proper sleep has to do with anything.

I'm not going to say that hours of consciousness is objectively a bad way of definitely longevity, but there's a reason most people don't think of it that way. For one thing, you don't get to see as much of the future, which could bring medical advance that extend life and improve health. Another point: most people feel terrible and are less effective at pretty much everything when they are sleep-deprived. When most people say they want to live long, they really should be saying that they want to live longer while enjoying a certain minimum quality of life.

>Yes studies show improper sleep slightly shortens telomeres but at such a marginal rate that you will still be conscious for more time than proper sleepers.
OK, but unless you're some sort of mutant, or have monk-like mental fortitude, your quality of life will he complete shit. I'm not going to claim that this strategy doesn't work for the president (though my point about him not being that old still stands), but I'm confident it's a bad idea for almost every person in this thread.

>"But telomeres"

I don't want to be a dick, but this is a popsci-level understanding of medicine. Telomeres are just one part of the picture. Your brain, and most other organs, needs sleep to repair damage. Short sleep is linked to neurological disorders, heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, the list goes on.

Not taking care of your body is being the ultimate cuck-soyboy. Willingly accelerating the loss of your mental gains and depriving yourself from the feel-good sensations after a good work out, is a sad way to live.

half of this board will have early stage alzheimers.


leave them behind

I'm sorry, I am relatively new here, wtf are you referring to by posting "SOY BOY"?

Every single person in this thread and out of it will die

also who here using gymnastic rings to built bulletprooff tendons

Nigger I'll be 90 in good physical shape you will die of dementia in your early 60's because you are part of the first generation of "men" that considers it normal to stand by a computer and play video games for 12 hours a day.

Here's me lmaoing at your poor lives.

Also you know what will be funny, if when I'm 90 and I'm slaying 60 year old pussy because I apply physical sunscreen and eat lots of beta carotene/lycopene veggies everyday and age reversal tech come into full swing.


And then you'll die

You seem mentally disturbed already, user.

I'm just emulating a chad right now, take it easy.


>take it easy
> chill out

I swear, it feels like this thread is overrun by tree-fucking weed-smoking black hippies

Ok Alcor and then? You guessed it you'll die

That's unironically good advice to live longer, though.

Weed? Fuck no. It doesn't technically harm you as much as cigarettes, but it makes you an apathetic slow fucker who doesn't care much about anything except smoking weed and "chilling out".
just saying

Elon Musk sleeps 6 hours and Bill Gates 7 I think. I would be inclined to think those are the most educated choices.

Or maybe they're lying to maintain their hegemony over mankind

Yeah, and an archeologist with 5 degrees in history and anthropology is the best option to perform a surgery since he's usually most educated.

Neither of them are doctors.

Then I'll be ressurected on mars,where a new hybrid race of east asian-european-jewish has been formed.

Meanwhile you'll be on earth rotting with brown colored monkeys

>mfw looking at your life choices

I payed attention to their sleep times because they're wealthy and scientifically literate. 6 hours on the edge of still being able to be productive. 7 hours to be as healthy as possible and live long enough to see life extension technology become available. Most doctors probably sleep less than either but would still give some completely bullshit recommendation like 9-10 hours. I've wasted so much of my life sleeping 10 hours that I'm just pissed.

Ok mars and then what? That's right death

And "2 hours of physical exercise a day". Just no. Don't waste your life on that.

No, I mean "take it easy" and "chill out" is good advice. Which isn't to say you should be apathetic, but that you shouldn't worry needlessly about things. If you can change something, don't worry, just change it. I you can't change it, then worrying is pointless.

How is it a waste if it makes you feel good and think more clearly?

Nah, then I implement my brain into a machine and live in the phyisical and digital worlds.
