>go and buy groceries >get healthy stuff >forgot the money at home >no time to go and get it before the store closes
rip dinner
Nathan Myers
>rip dinner oats and protein should always be on deck.
Eli Taylor
Dear diary, Today i woke up in the middle of the night, at 2 am or something. Since i started counting calories and losing weight sleeping has become a problem, i don't know why but all i know is that getting 8 hours of restful sleep has become an exception. I tried to fall asleep again but i couldn't so i watched some videos until 5 am, then i got up ate breakfast, did the dishes and showered, at 6:45 i left my apartment to go grocery shopping. I didn't need much other than chicken for my weekly meal prep and water. I actually didn't want to go grocery shopping today, because i dislike cooking and grocery shopping on the same day but yesterday was a holiday and i ran out of prepped meals so i had no choice. At around 7:45 i was home again, i put the grocerys and some other stuff i bought away. At around 8 i started cooking. I did my usual meal prep, chicken, mixed veggies and rice - at around 11 everything was done and it was delicious. The first meal prepped meal is always the best. After eating i went for a nap because i was so exhausted from getting barely any sleep last night, the nap was almost 6 hours and as a result i won't be able to sleep tonight at a reasonable time, probably messing up my sleep schedule for a while.
Thanks for reading, like comment and subscribe. If you like share your own story.
Jeremiah Peterson
Alexander Reyes
Ian Taylor
I had a dream last night that somebody was cutting into my stomach and removed all the fat. It didn't hurt at all and was actually kinda pleasant, but I woke up before it was over.
What does it mean?
Ethan Edwards
it means you don't want to be fat anymore and losing fat will feel good.
Colton Cox
>falling for meme diets and fasting fads >falling for the "clean eating" meme >not eating what you want while eating at a caloric deficit while lifting 6 days a week
Majority of you guys are suffering for no reason
Kevin Baker
@Apple I posted it already at 5:00 AM MEZ but here again: 127lbs
Cooper Thomas
>Apple JDM 241.2
Nicholas Morgan
Jacob Perez
Anyone here a former planet?
>Be me 2 years ago >426 Fucking Pounds
>Now >230
I'm trying to lose the last 30 before Uni starts back up, but the pain of being so close yet so far from my goal gives me fatigue.
Brayden Jackson
Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.
you are thinking about how you chance, it is hard but you like it. but want support to help you to quick progress.
Leo Cruz
>the last 30 >230 are you 6'6'?
Daniel King
good job man, holy shit. keep at it sounds like you're gonna make it
Joseph Nelson
Apple 242.4
Jace Long
currently weigh 189 lbs
what caloric defect should I be eating at? MFP listed 1800 but it feels a bit high
Luke Thompson
I'm a current planet working my way down. What kind of diet and exercise did you do at the beginning?
Christopher Parker
Ate less than 1000 calories today, and just cycled 16 miles.
I recently had a dream in which I finally had abs. It made me so happy in my dream, I woke up motivated as fuck.
Jeremiah Lewis
Those are gonna be some Bayonetta tier proportions when she's done with the legs.
Aiden Jenkins
Spreadsheet updated, we have 2 finalists named so far for the final tournament bracket coming up next week.
Aside from that, still need a plethora of weigh-ins. Make sure you get them to me before 1159 CST.
I'm going to take a nap, its been a long week. Once I wake up I'll add the next batch.
Ayden Ross
I ate 70 calories more than I should and it's 4PM
Oliver Brown
>name IgnoreAnt
>weight 179.4
It gets just a little bit better every week.
Aaron Wood
Adam weight: 202
Landon Carter
Redpill me on kegels, /fat/.
Someone has to have some truthbombs to drop. Fat people tend to have ED problems, so let's share some penile health info.
Kayden Edwards
>Fat people tend to have ED problems because shit cardio and constricted arteries along with reduced testosterone. learn to /fitness/ and your dick will work better
Jordan Sanchez
Going away at the end of the month, going to try and be good but realistically gonna put some weight on through alcohol. Should I just accept and carry on the slow cut or try water fasting a few days when i get back?
Bentley Green
I'll be dropping out for the rest of the month. I didn't stop dieting, but shit's wayyyy too unstable right now. I have to restabilize my routine and re-join next month. I hope this doesn't affect our arrangement.
Noah Garcia
Dieting disturbs your sleep pattern because your body is doing less "work" than it used to since you're sparing it so much digestive energy. However, the fat burning benefits of sleep are very apparent so it's best to incorporate some melatonin into your regime.
James Green
I had a dream that I consumed all sorts of plants and flowers and shit and 3 of them were deadly so I threw them all up. I thought it had something to do with recent binging episodes, 'poison in my body', wanting to purge (although I've never purged) etc.
Carter Hill
L-Arginine my lad, take 3 grams, 3 times a day if possible. Without food. Won't help you get hornier, but will help you sustain harder erections.
Bonus if you pair it with L-Tyrosine.
Justin Perez
Adrian Wright
I too have that same problem. I could sleep for so many hours when I was fat and lazy, but now it's hard to sleep longer than 5-6 hours. Even with Melatonin as the user said. I've found that with the melatonin, I knock out asleep about an hour after I take it, however it does not keep me sleeping for longer.
Luke Fisher
Hi hey i mad a fat image before i knew yall were a tbing so if you coukd use this for the next op thanks.
Nathan Cooper
>before i knew yall were a tbing your fatwojak is shit. make a better one.
Logan Torres
Ik hoe about this
Connor Jones
For those that are new or struggling
Nicholas Baker
it's better but it's not wojak
Henry Morris
18 will mewing do anything for me?
Carter Perez
>be on a cut >just had a small portion of chips
I'm not actually fat, though. I just need to cut about 3 to 5kg to get at ~15% bf, but now I feel fat as fatass.
Here's some solidarity to all you fats having to do this shit for months and months on end.
Adrian Gomez
Tt i try
Justin Walker
I have that as my lock screen for my phone, this is my home screen.
Colton James
Here's the one I use for my lock, same quote just phone size friendly.
Carter Morris
Daily reminder that these threads are terrible and none of you are going to make it.
Levi Barnes
Parker Smith
I didn't get an answer in the last thread, so asking again:
The scale says I gained less than half a pound this week, despite eating around only 1500-1600 kcals per day.
I also increased the weight I lift at the gym this week. Would that be the reason why?
Jayden Myers
Ayden Baker
gotta watch more of that show. damn, good moment.
Mason Lewis
It's really hard to gain muscle while cutting, but that could be the case.
More than likely it's just water weight or waste that hasn't left the body yet.
Props to you for being committed though - the closer you get the harder it is to lose weight and more likely to fluctuate you are.
Elijah Hughes
Hitting that calorie goal is tougher when you have to account for 700 calories of whisky. Luckily I can't eat when I'm drunk.
Gavin Davis
I fell for this at the beginning, it never really does get easier. At least not with running, I still hate it but I can do a half marathon now (albeit it at an 10-11 min mile pace)
Carter Torres
Dominic Rogers
I find it does get easier, but that to me is a sign to make it harder and push myself. Also if I do it everyday I find it easier to keep up with it. If I have more than one day rest then I can lose my routine and I can find it harder to get back into the swing of things.
Jace Davis
I was gonna cheat and not have my prepped meal but I didn't. So nothing to confess here.
Nathan Taylor
I've been eating like absolute shit the past few months. Fast food probably at least once a day 90% of the past 2-3 months, literally eating most of a large pizza in my car multiple days in a row, whataburger, burger king, you name it.
When I'm not eating like a pig my weight kind of naturally sticks around 220-225 lbs, right now I'm at 240-242 lbs. I'm noticeably fatter, clothes don't fit as well, and overall my outlook sucks.
I think I eat because I'm bored, I'm in a shitty home environment right now and I think this is partially a culmination of many different factors, some outside my control. I honestly hate myself but I'm probably at least slightly addicted to fast food.
Also, I'm 6', so I'm not incredibly obese, but I don't look good. I carry 40 extra pounds about as well as one can but if I'm not sucking in my gut I literally look pregnant.
I have a bench, barbell, squat rack, pull up bar, dip station, and 315lbs of plates in my garage. I haven't used them in over a year.
Help me, Veeky Forums.
Matthew Smith
bout 2 have 2 slices of stuffed crust pizza under calorie limit but still not healthy
Jaxson Adams
You eat because you have no self control. Don't make excuses.
Owen Nelson
>Fat people tend to have ED problems, Yep... >penile health Oh.
Christopher Fisher
I ate 70g of ice cream today even though I told myself to not eat sweet things this week.
But it was only ~80calories! It's such a low calorie treat!
Austin Sullivan
you have everything. we can't help you anymore the rest is on you to diet and exercise
Mason Turner
I'm really debating on getting a pizza for the weekend
Brandon Murphy
thanks for the (you) user. While I admit it's partially because I have poor self control, there's some shit going on I don't really want to talk about here that I know has an influence on me. You're right. Just downloaded couch to 5k app. Tomorrow I'm waking up, walking/jogging, eating a healthy breakfast and tracking my calories. No more fast food is gonna be a hard habit to break, but I've done it before and I can do it again. Going to lift nights too.
Wish me luck anons, let's do this.
Henry Davis
>op doesn't know how to 4chin properly its okay because you tried which is more than most
Cooper Miller
sack the thread maker
just came home from work and made a cheese and tomato toastie it was nice and I don't regret it
Caleb Wilson
Count calories, lift, and do cardio. Don't let yourself make excuses, learn how to say no to yourself and other people. Fill your time so you're not mindlessly snacking. It's a simple process, you will struggle and have set backs but just stick too it. That's it. It's all up to you my dude. You can do it.
Aiden Wood
>Apple knight of manlets 191.4
Leo Stewart
take it slow. I fucked up my foot 2 weeks ago now can't walk heavily on it for 8 weeks (stress fracture in foot) (they are caused by a sudden increase in activity/intensity/surface(treadmill to ground or vice versa) now I'm the guy who goes every other day to the gym and only does upper body/things that don't involve feet
Samuel Martin
and today, a new episode of "user doesn't feel like going to the gym or doing anything so he puts it off until the end of the day". i'm feeling super depleted, but my cheat day isn't for another couple of weeks. fuuuuuuuuuuck
Lucas Edwards
Thank you user, for believing in me
Juan Hill
I lost 50 lbs last year and then let myself go from depression and just kept eating shit and now I'm back here because I put it all back on. I had abs and I let them go.
Austin Watson
There's always shit going on. Everyone has shit going on, some more severe than others. That shit doesn't have to make you stuff yourself with food though. It's on the same level as being an alcoholic or any other self-harming practice people do to escape reality.
Good luck though. Remember to count everything, just knowing how much calories your stuff has can help a lot. And don't give up.
Aiden Gutierrez
my fellow /fat/ fucks can you share your anecdotal stories of keto? Where it was good? Where was it bad?
Or should I just stick to the sticky.
Landon Hill
Keto is just another way of keeping yourself in line. No diet works without a calorie deficit. But I like keto because the food I can eat is delicious, I'm full and satisfied after a meal, and the strict carb limit stops my late night binges because I'm usually already at the limit. What's not great about keto is that I shit myself yesterday because I thought it was just an innocent fart. Also recovering from workouts is really tough.
Bentley Fisher
that pic is the most vile shit I've ever seen
when you witness blood and gore, you understand why it might have happened,i will never understand this artists' intention, their art style, their fashion sense, what illness they have, how they developed it, and what fuels it. Im an artist and i noticed that foot is fairly well constructed, but all the noise around it is incomprehensible to me
Colton Barnes
i felt like shit when i got above 80g or so of fat in a day, and stuffing myself with as much steak and chicken as i required made me struggle to hit my calorie needs. moderately high protein, high carb, moderate fat is best imo. 75-85% of lbm in grams of protein per day, 25-35% calories from fat, and as many carbs as you can fit. prioritizing things like plant sources or whole grains above sugar/processed shit, and lean meats/plant protein over fatty/salty meats. some people respond well to keto, but not me. it just made me dislike meat after a while
Xavier Perez
Jose Reyes
Just assembled my new pull up bar and stuck it in the door. I can do 2 chin-ups, or about 3/4s of a pull up. >tfw weak
Isaiah Green
wait are pull ups and chin ups not the same thing
Tyler Allen
I've been super motivated since I started weighing weekly I said I'd get a twix bar ages ago, but every night I think "weigh soon, don't want to spoil it" might have paradoxed myself
Jacob Gray
>can run a 5k >outpace skinny friends going up stairs >slowly getting stronger at the gym >keep overeating, weight hasn't budged End me
Hunter Reyes
>be me >2012 >fat fuck >hear about keto >"keto = fat burn" >seems legit >crash diet on bacon, cheese and cream >2 months >uber skelly mode >happy >3 months >fatass again 1/10, would not recommend
Angel Ramirez
I think chin-ups are underhanded and pull-ups are overhand
Ian Fisher
If putting peanut butter and a banana in my protein shakes is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
John Hill
>ate at least 150 under my tdee for a month >Just went 400 over due to eating while drunk But damn that chili cheese coney was good
Charles Jenkins
Chin-ups are done with the palms facing you, and hit the biceps more. Pull-ups are done with palms facing away.
Dominic Torres
How could it be? With that much extraneous shit you couldn't even taste the meat.
Jace James
thought the thumbnail was jacket potato and cheese when I was a kid this guy in the town center had a cart where he'd make them and they were fucking lush nothing has ever tasted that good since
Andrew Harris
>separating from Navy b/c fat >still in top 20% for physical performance in my unit >offered DoD jobs offering 2x as much money and same benefits >still depressed and insomniac
Luke Baker
>Apple Imouto 152 I've been weak and sick all week but by god I'm still sticking to my diet.
Cooper Turner
just turned 19 here, gonna need an answer on this too. if not i guess hard gum would still make a good dent in jawlines
Thomas Morgan
5'9 ;)
Isaac Hill
Yeah, I have issues eating during the day and I just eat tons at night. I just need to feel satisfied and if I have to placebo it, then victory to me. nice greentext ah okay, so if I go on say... a month trial of Keto just to see how well my body responds to it. Then I can make a better assessment of my dietary needs.
Thanks bros
Adrian White
>shoot for 10 to 30 minutes of calisthenics a day >very heavily breathing after 7 sit-ups already >push through and switch to girl-push-ups after 5 minutes >so heavy that the ground hurts my knees immensely even through two blankets >feel dizzy for 10 minutes afterwards >back hurts >pic related is my expected progress How do I keep motivated despite this terrible outlook?
Julian Garcia
i've burned out all my noob gains doing SS since feb and i can't progress anymore, tried deloading, different rep ranges etc. nothing works.
Would it be better to take a break from lifting until I just hit my goal weight so I can do a proper bulk to build muscle later or no? I feel like im wasting time in the gym now.
Jonathan Walker
Taking a break when mean you're gonna roll back and have gains to get back, without the psychological benefits from noob gains. You'll probably get bored of cardio and feel like shit too. Just lift with the focus of maintaining your numbers while losing weight, and do something that takes less time like 5/3/1.
Matthew Collins
back on the ketamine makes long and hungry nights disappear like magic can't really focus on anything
Benjamin Stewart
To those of you who especially who get closer to reaching your goals, how did you decide your goal weight? Ideally id like to do a clean bulk when I get lean enough but how far to go? Very low body fat percentages seem unhealthy and hard to maintain. Am I better aiming for something like 15% body fat then bulking and cutting or to go lower than that?
Kayden Brooks
spoiler: there is no goal
Nolan Hernandez
my goal right now is to not look like a fat fuck
i'll worry about body fat % later, I have a long fucking way to go